African Local Content Forum

Thursday 11 November 2021

The world has seen many changes since the last event took place, with increasing protectionism and trade restrictions, the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic, and ongoing pressure for countries to deliver on SDGs which have resulted in potential shifts in local policies as they refer to energy. This year's African Local Content Forum focused on two trends which have exploded since 2019 - incorporating the green transition into local content efforts and increasing demands on companies to demonstrate supply chain due diligence. Oil and gas companies working to increase local content now have two new challenges to address - how to link these efforts with the green transition and reduce carbon emissions in their supply chains, and meeting the demands of investors, regulators and ESG rating agencies for supply chain due diligence.

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What was discussed?

Here's what was discussed in 2019:

  • ​Ethics and transparency: What are the distortions caused by local content requirements from both a government and supplier perspective. What can be done to mitigate these risks?
  • What can be done to ensure local content policies and programs are providing workers with the skills they need to succeed?

  • Issues in delivering on local content from the perspective of international, regional and domestic suppliers: What works and how to elicit good behavior?

  • What aspects of local content deliver the most value and how do we measure this? What data and market intelligence are needed?